A workshop will be organized by the Complex Systems Institute (IXXI) of Lyon on the 23 of november (2017). It is an interdisciplinary workshop on the dynamics of science.

The availability of social data drives many scientists from the formal sciences (computer science, physics…) into the quantitative analysis of social systems. One early example of this trend is «scientometrics», the study of science’s structure and evolutions using large bibliographic datasets. Recent topics of interest in the field include the development of new formal tools to provide insights on the nature, structure and dynamics of scientific communities «bottom-up», i.e. without using predetermined classification schemes. Many scientists develop also interactive visualization platforms, or compare the pictures obtained by quantitative and qualitative methods.

The goals of this one-day workshop are twofold:
1/ Gather experts from the formal and social sciences, to discuss the relationship (complementarity? opposition?) between studies of science carried out using scientometrics and/or more usual social tools.
2/ Identify and discuss promising strategies to analyze and visualize the DYNAMICS of scientometric networks.

This event will be the occasion for our team to present some updated results on the growth of the world network of collaboration and a new visualization platform helping to visualize these network at several periods and for different disciplines.