On March 31, 2021, a session of Paola Tubaro and Floriana Gargiulo’s Social Network Analysis (SNA) course at the ENSAE School was open to three external interventions aimed at showing applications to recent research of network analysis methods.

The session included:

  • – A presentation by Gianluca Manzo, Research Fellow in Analytical Sociology at GEMASS about his paper: “Halting SARS-CoV-2 by Targeting High-Contact Individuals” published in June 2020 in the Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation;
  • – a presentation by Fariba Karimi, researcher at the Complexity Science Hub in Vienna on how homophily mechanisms influence the visibility and rank of minorities in social networks, a work published in Scientific Reports in 2018;
  • – and our presentation, entitled “The world system of contemporary science: cartographies and dyanmics” looked back at the main results of the Geoscience and Netscience research programmes and the continuation and sharing of the fruits of this work through the development of the NETSCITY platform since 2018.

The slideshow we presented can be viewed here: